Hi all and thank you for viewing my blog!
My name is Valerie, and I am loving my crazy life full of adventure. I started this blog back in 2012, when after graduating, my boyfriend was offered a job that would require us to move, A LOT! Almost every 6 months we pick up our lives and move on to the next city and state. I was born and raised outside of Philadelphia and then went to college at Penn State University where I met my Texan boyfriend. For 23 years I lived in Pennsylvania with my family and friends, so when my boyfriend told me we would be moving to Dallas, Texas I was very scared and excited. We lived in Dallas for 13 months, and after many tears and days of being homesick, I finally grew to love the city. Just recently we moved again, this time to Los Angeles, California. California is a big adjustment from PA or TX, but again I am loving it here! Who wouldn't love living in sunny Southern California?! I write this blog for a few reasons 1. to update my family and friends back home on my crazy ridiculous life 2. to give advice on things to do and see in the cities I have lived 3. to also give advice on packing and moving so often 4. to look back on and appreciate all the great things we have had the opportunity to do. Who knows where we will be moving to again in September, but not knowing where life will take you is half the fun. Continue to check back to see where we go and what we do next!

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