Well it is official...we are moving to...drumroll please... Dallas, Texas! My boyfriend found out last night that he will be starting in the treasury department beginning February 4th. Although I would have been happy anywhere, I was secretly hoping for Dallas since I am currently in Pennsylvania dealing with this cold winter. Goodbye snow and hello tanning! My boyfriend's family is also currently living in Dallas, so it will be nice to have some family close by. We have decided that my boyfriend will fly back to Philadelphia and drive with me in my car back out to Dallas. 24 hours is a long drive to do by yourself. Luckily I have the best boyfriend who is wiling to drive with me even though he is already in Dallas. It looks like I will be leaving for Texas the end of January.
Looking for places to live while being 1,200 miles away can be stressful, but lucky for us my boyfriend is able to check out all the places we are interested in. We think we found the perfect place and the perfect deal! This place comes furnished which is what we wanted since moving furniture all over the country is not something I am interested in. Check out our new place (hopefully!):
360 View |
Outside |
Hello Texas weather! |
Gym time!! |
How beautiful is this kitchen?! |
Anybody who knows me, knows I love any kind of water. This is perfect! |
Second pool |
The great thing about the company my boyfriend has been hired by is that every time we relocate, they give us a check to cover the moving expenses. We won't be getting that relocation check until the end of January/start of February so moving in is contingent on that. Also, I am still waiting to get back our security deposit from our last apartment. Hopefully that comes soon as well. Moving is so expensive! We need to pay for his flight back here, gas, hotel, and food for the drive down, having our storage unit shipped to Dallas, application fees, renter's insurance, security deposit, and first month's rent.
I can't wait to be reunited with my love and start this next chapter of our lives in Dallas. It is exciting to finally know where we are going after all this time! I just want to sign a lease, move down South, and have a home of my own again. As soon as I find out more information I will be sure to update! If anyone is from the Dallas area and would like to share information with me about living or what I HAVE to do while there, it would be much appreciated!
Our Moving Map, Next stop Dallas, TX! |
Another update 1/21:
It's official! I am leaving for Dallas on Saturday the 26th! I am really excited, but also nervous, scared, and sad to leave my family. My boyfriend is flying in to Philadelphia on Thursday (thank god! I miss him!) and we will be packing up my car and driving back to Dallas together.
I didn't realize just how much there is to do before even moving into our new apartment! We had to fill out our applications, book his plane ticket, open a new bank account, open an electric account, open a cable/internet account, get renter's insurance, etc. It has been kind of stressful, but we are getting through it together. Can't wait to update you all once we get into our new apartment!